Every year both of us celebrate our birthdays together. That was a deliberate decision 19 years ago. He was induced out of my womb...to be my present, some of his friends said. But I just thought that since he is ready to come see this world, why not?
Villi and myself are both Cancerians, some of the Astrological Characteristics of a cancerian is compassionate, homely and sentimental. Which I saw all these in Villi.
As time goes by, life changed and people changed, that is human nature. Becoming protective, I would say, is a self-instinct. 19 years of life experience has turned Villi to a more mature and independent person. Sometimes Life can be harsh on us, it is also full of ups and downs. The bitter sweet journey tells us this world is not fair most of the times. And you have to find ways to deal with it.
Villi, as you are moving on fast in life, I believe and trust that the wisdom in you will make you a wiser guy and live the way of the character of a Cancerian, be kind and compassionate.
My family is the love of my life. I am proud to have a contended family with lovely children that always have people at heart. My 23 years old daughter, Vivian still behave like a little darling at home, but have a big heart for every living things. Soon, she will leave us again going back to Uni to continue her studies and may end up working abroad upon graduation. We are very close and will remain close, wherever she is. She has my blessings in all her endeavors, though I will miss her terribly. To Geoff, we count on you to be her knight in shining wetsuit, so give me a buzz each time she re-surfaces, will you?
My youngest sweetie Valerie, is keeping us very very busy. She is the love of everyone in the family. She is God Sent and we treasure every moment in her growing up.
Oh, not forgetting my ever young at heart other half. He is huge, but he is forever tiny to me. I am glad that we still hold hands going round shopping...and squeezes out the tooth paste for each other every morning.