Monday, 26 December 2011
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Coca-Cola Where Will Happiness Strike Next: The OFW Project
Merry Christmas to all!
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Sinthamani Divine Life Ashram
Took a leisure drive with my nephew Yap Yang, his girlfriend Amy and together with little Valerie , we headed to Sinthamani Divine Life Ashram, at Jinjang Utara, Kuala Lumpur to deliver some of the usable items that I cleared out from my store room, and also, more importantly is to help my client, Mdm Teh to deliver her donations, a full set of play station to the children at Sinthamani.

While touring around the home, we have found out that much improvements have been made to the home since our last visit some two years back.
Many kind samaritans are pouring their help to this home and it is now a more comfortable home to the destitute children, old folks and single mothers.
Nevertheless, there are maintenance required in order to upkeep the place, it was thru the volunteer teacher, Ms Cindy who received us earlier told us that the broken down refrigerator's door need to be repaired and the leaked sinks that cause havoc after each cooking also required immediate attention, thus, a plumber and or a handyman is needed to help look into this matter.
Should there be a contact of a plumber that can help out, kindly contact :
Ms Sandy or Mr Praveendran
and their home is located at:
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Don't forget this child

UNICEF feed and treat hundreds of thousands of children.
But tragically, 320,000 children are still acutely malnourished and on the brink of death in East Africa.
Elijah is one of them. He is 11 months old – though he doesn't look like it. When he was admitted to the UNICEF-supported Provide Clinic in Korogocho in Nairobi, Kenya, he weighed less than 10 pounds.
He had malaria and measles, and suffered dramatic weight loss.
He can make it. But only if the world remembers we have the power, and the will, to save lives.
More people need to see these images, need to read these stories... and it starts with you. I want you to share the image in this email. It's so easy – just click here and click "Share" to share with your friends on Facebook. Or, forward this email to a friend.
There are more than 600,000 people receiving this image of Elijah today. All it will take is each of us sharing this image once – either on Facebook or by forwarding this email – and we will literally flood the Internet with a simple, powerful story.
This is precisely what this crisis needs right now. But it won't work without each us doing our part right now and sharing this image.
Let's use our collective power to turn the world's eyes back to the children who desperately need more help.
With gratitude,

Caryl M. Stern
President & CEO
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
Monday, 10 October 2011
NARAYANAN KRISHNAN - a companion to the forgotten
Narayanan Krishnan (born 1981) is an Indian chef turned social worker. He quit his career as a leading chef and began supplying meals to the homeless in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India, beginning in 2002. Krishnan was born in Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
He was an award-winning chef with Taj Hotels, Bangalore and was short-listed for an elite job in Switzerland. During a visit to his family, before heading to Europe, he said, "I saw a very old man, literally eating his own human waste out of hunger. I went to the nearby hotel and asked them what was available.
They had idli, which I bought and gave to the old man. Believe me, I had never seen a person eating so fast, ever. As he ate the food, his eyes were filled with tears. Those were the tears of happiness. Krishnan founded his nonprofit Akshaya Trust in 2003. Every day, he wakes up at 4 a.m., cooks a simple hot meal and then, along with his team, loads it in a van and travels about 125 miles (201 km) feeding the homeless and mentally-disabled in Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
He serves breakfast, lunch and dinner to 400 indigent and elderly people in Madurai. He carries a comb, scissors and razor and is trained in eight haircut styles that, along with a fresh shave, provide extra dignity to those he serves. He is one of the Top 10 in "CNN heroes 2010" list
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
知福 惜福 造福........回省自己
小男孩的家人呢?圖片右上角,一個同樣骨瘦如柴的成年人一邊朝著小男孩這邊張望,一邊忙著手裡的活計。我們或許可以判斷,這個成年人肩 負著照顧小男孩的偉大任務,但因為他自己要忙著多幹點活,多掙點錢來養活全家,也許他就是這個小男孩的哥哥,也許他就是這個小男孩的爸爸,對於兒童身上的 東西,他也已經習慣了。

Sunday, 4 September 2011
Hari Raya Orphanage Visit
We made a trip to visit Rumah Nur Hikmah on the first day of Hari Raya, 30th August, 2011.
Carrying with us, the items requested by the caretaker, Tuan Haji Othman Ahmad comprising of the following:
- 6 tins of Snow Brand baby milk powder for the prematurely born babies - courtesy of Mr Chan Yong Houng & Family
- Groceries comprising of cooking oil, shampoo, shower gel, tooth paste, cookies, chocolates and a football for the boys! - courtesy of Mr Tai & Family
- RM100 from Mr Ngo Chong Let & Family - as duit raya
- RM200 from Ms Vivian Geow - as duit raya
- RM300 from Mr Yap Yin Hong & Family - as cash donation
so we headed towards Kajang on a bright sunny day.
Being pre-empted by the caretaker, Tuan Haji Othman Ahmad, that there will not be many children around as they will be invited to other functions on that very first day or Raya, we thought of just fulfilling our "quest" and went ahead with the trip to make our donation.
We were greeted by some of the single mothers who were relaxing around caring for the babies.
After unloading our gifts, we toured around the home and thereafter my brother, Mr Yap Yin Hon, made the cash donation to the home and we then left the place .... completely oblivious to those DUIT RAYA packets which were left inside my handbag until we reached home.
So, here comes the second donation in a day:
Unable to sit still, I googled the web and found this Muslim Orphanage closest to Subang Jaya...
Woke my husband up from his afternoon slumber, we drove off to an adventurous trip, Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih, A home that took us by surprise, located right next to the Subang Jaya/Puchong neighbourhood...
I must highlight the journey driving into this Kampung Sri Aman, Batu 13, Puchong.
We were truly surprised by the scenic drive along side the river passing by many Kampungs. The feeling was just like entering into a small town somewhere in Melaka, Muar or Kuantan ... seeing the motorbikers and cyclists maneuvering on the narrow, otherwise well tarred road, rendering us a very peaceful feeling. You will not believe that you are just around the Subang Jaya vicinity until you see the municipal signboard erected prominently at the road junctions.
Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih is a home that housed 83 children. It is so clean, tidy and organised. This is a total contrast to most of the homes we have visited.
The caretaker, En. Zawawi came upfront to receive us.
Again, being an absent-minded self, I ignorantly extended my hand to greet him "Selamat Hari Raya"....:(
He politely smiled and waived his hand as a gesture and turned to my husband for a full handshake.
He was most grateful seeing us dropping by and suggested us to have a photograph taken with me handing over the "Green Packet Duit Raya".
Boy, this home has certainly amazed me and I think I will be back to make more support in the near future. You guys can head over to their blog for very exciting news, and support them by buying some of their produce, i.e flowers, vegetable or just drop by to their nursery for a weekend family time...
Before signing off, a BIG Thank You to Mr Yap, Mr Ngo and Mr Chan who made their kind donations, and pray for God to be with you and bless you with good health and happiness to you and your family.
Saturday, 27 August 2011

This year's Hari Raya falls on 30th & 31st August, 2011, which is also our National Day, Hari Merdeka.
We are planning a visit to Rumah Nur Hikmah on 30th August, the first day of Raya to spread some cheers around. Rumah Nur Hikmah is an orphanage located at:
Rumah Nur Hikmah
Lot 11552, Jalan 18,
Taman Mesra,
43000 Kajang,
Contact Numbers: 016-669 9942, 017-383 9994 (Haji Othman Ahmad)
Spoke to the Caretaker, Haji Othman today for more information and asked him for their wishlist. Tuan Haji sounded humbly on the phone that they need daily amenities like:
1. Tooth paste
2. Soap for shower and general washing
3. Cooking oil
4. Milk powder (Snow brand - for a 8 month old baby who was born pre-matured)
5. Cash - to help them defray utility bills
The home presently houses 60 children with 36 Male and 24 Female, age between 8 months to 18 years.
We hope to raise some funds and be able to celebrate Hari Raya with the children together.
Friday, 19 August 2011
World Humanitarian Day Project
WorldVision Malaysia
19 August is World Humanitarian Day, a global celebration of people helping people. No matter the race, age, religion or gender, globally there are thousands who take risks daily to improve the lives of the downtrodden and the weak. Regardless of who they are and where they are, please share this video and remember the efforts, sacrifices and inspirational lives of humanitarian aid workers!
Monday, 11 July 2011
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Handicapped and Disabled Children Association of Klang
Last Sunday morning, 1st of May,2011, which is Labour Day Public Holiday, we all had a date. To come together to do something meaningful, to spread some love, have some fun and at the same time, bringing about a touch of compassion to the hearts of our children. It was a Charity Drive.
We headed to the Handicapped and Disabled Children Association of Klang, near Kampung Raja Uda, Port Klang. A home that currently houses 76 less fortunate children and teenagers who suffered from down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autistic, vision, speech and hearing impaired and more...
During this Charity Drive which was planned immediately after Chinese New Year in February, we have successfully helped in providing a more comfortable living for the children in this home as we could now see them enjoying brand new wardrobes for both the boys and girls dormitories, a TV set, a DVD player and a refrigerator. With the funds raised, we also managed to replace the worn-out shoe rack doors and repaired some cabinet doors, amongst others.
We all have a common belief that the money we raised are to be utilised on items that can benefit the children directly. It was beyond words to see the beaming faces when they showed us how tidy the clothing were arranged inside the cupboards. The cheers and joy on children faces crowding around the A&W mascot and clown on this occasional birthday bash was all we wanted to see.
My husband and myself are counting our blessings to have a bunch of enthusiastic friends and family members who are always passionate in lending a helping hand to the needy. They make no qualms in all the arrangements we made and seek no rewards in their giving. This is the true spirit of charity. This is the way forward. We salute you.
24 cars gathered at Sg.Rasau Toll, many had even arrived before 10am!

Taking this chance to introduce our new friends who joined us after reading this blog is the Ong family (Mr Ong is the second from left seen here holding a box filled with their donated items while talking to his wife Wendy with two boys standing beside her.
They have had a great time spending with the children and Wendy was telling me that they plan to visit this home again coming Saturday with their eldest son who missed this session. I am proud of you and your family, Wendy. Keep up the Godly work!
Just received this picture courtesy of Wendy and she has informed me of their family visit today, 7/5/2011 which was yet another touching experience. Children at the home are getting fast attached to their company and wouldn't want to let them go. Wendy and her husband, Mr Ong have made more donation this time, and will fulfill some of their requests in the near future. You guys are great and the world need people like you to make it a better place. God Bless you all.
Have fun while doing good deeds, that's the spirit!
Mr Yap KC & Family out in full force
My nephew, Yap Liang aka Mr Cool with Shelly

Mr C.Y. Chan and Ms P.S. Goh

Mr Chan YH, our dashing photographer
Kenneth Bong & his gal
Did you see those golden hearts?
A sight to behold...marching on to give
The OldTown White Coffee nasi lemak, yummy ...thank you sponsors, not that we don't love you but we love the nasi lemak more...:))
The crowd enjoying the dance performance by the children
The home's President, Mr Murgan is giving Welcome Speech
Mr Ngo, our spiritual leader giving a thank you speech

My eldest brother, Yap Yin Hoong a fulltime supporter!

All families here share the same help
The crowd listening attentively to Mr Murgan, the Home's President

The men behind the scene, thank you guys

The children dancing away with the music
Ah Hong, Ah Hong, our favorite child, saw him since he was 3 months old, with holes in heart and bone cancer, such a wonderful feeling to see him dancing away now

Our new kids "from the blog"- Ms Synndy and her friends came joined us after reading the earlier posts from this blog. Bravo guys, do come back next round ya

Mr Murgan receiving a cash donation from Ms YC Chan
Mr Murgan receiving a cash donation from Mdm Ooi Ki Chung
Mr Ngo handing over a cheque donation to Mr Murgan on behalf of our group amounting to RM1,300.00
Ms Tai SY having fun with the children
Thanks for the present, Valerie
Happy Birthday to you ....

The DVD Player
The Fridge
The Old Wardrobe (For comparison)

The boys' wardrobe
The new shoe rack doors
The old worn out shoe rack doors (For comparison)
The force behind us who help made the day

The A&W team
Thank you for a job welldone!
A week ago, we started ordering this Thank You gift from
The Beautiful Gate Foundation for the Disabled
Beautiful Gate Foundation For The Disabled
No. 29, Jalan SS 2/59, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Tel: 603-78736579, 603-78758609
Fax: 603-78762686
They are eco enzyme, which is effective agents for house hold cleaning
We thought of stretching our money a little by supporting them and yet achieving another aim of saying thank you to our friends

We headed to the Handicapped and Disabled Children Association of Klang, near Kampung Raja Uda, Port Klang. A home that currently houses 76 less fortunate children and teenagers who suffered from down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autistic, vision, speech and hearing impaired and more...
During this Charity Drive which was planned immediately after Chinese New Year in February, we have successfully helped in providing a more comfortable living for the children in this home as we could now see them enjoying brand new wardrobes for both the boys and girls dormitories, a TV set, a DVD player and a refrigerator. With the funds raised, we also managed to replace the worn-out shoe rack doors and repaired some cabinet doors, amongst others.
We all have a common belief that the money we raised are to be utilised on items that can benefit the children directly. It was beyond words to see the beaming faces when they showed us how tidy the clothing were arranged inside the cupboards. The cheers and joy on children faces crowding around the A&W mascot and clown on this occasional birthday bash was all we wanted to see.
My husband and myself are counting our blessings to have a bunch of enthusiastic friends and family members who are always passionate in lending a helping hand to the needy. They make no qualms in all the arrangements we made and seek no rewards in their giving. This is the true spirit of charity. This is the way forward. We salute you.
They have had a great time spending with the children and Wendy was telling me that they plan to visit this home again coming Saturday with their eldest son who missed this session. I am proud of you and your family, Wendy. Keep up the Godly work!
Thank you for a job welldone!
A week ago, we started ordering this Thank You gift from
The Beautiful Gate Foundation for the Disabled
Beautiful Gate Foundation For The Disabled
No. 29, Jalan SS 2/59, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Tel: 603-78736579, 603-78758609
Fax: 603-78762686
They are eco enzyme, which is effective agents for house hold cleaning
We thought of stretching our money a little by supporting them and yet achieving another aim of saying thank you to our friends
Contribution List
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