On my way home from the
Handicapped and Disabled Children Association of Klang last weekend with my family, my heart was bleeding. I couldn't strike off the memory of the sight of this little one year old baby waving hand with his big smile upon our arrival there. I knew it must be him, the little one that suffered from Down syndrome, two holes in his heart and bone cancer at the back of his spinal.
While I was sending in the cheque from the sales of coupons for the Charity Bazaar 2007, my hubby and my son were quick enough to pick up the child from his crib and started playing with him. I could see them enjoying themselves and taking turns to take photographs with the baby through the glass panel of the office. The rest of the children came joining in the fun with so much cheer and joy in their faces, they were amused by the clothing and books that we brought along courtesy of our relatives.
Though many of them are illiterate but they were just going round and showing people that they have got book gifts...To make these special children happy, you certainly do not need a lot of efforts.
Mr Morgan, the Founder & President of this Home, took us around and shared with us some of the histories of the children and how they have ended up with him. Our conversation was intermittently interrupted by the kids (some of them are actually grown up adults but you will be surprised that they still looked very much like below 15 years old.) who ran up to him for hugs. He has so much compassion towards these unfortunate children all because of his blood brother was also
mentally+challengedsince born. He took care of him together with his mother since young and had promised his mother that one day he will set up a home to help the needy. Today, with the help and support from this by and large caring society, he managed to help and uplift the pride and confidence of these children who were
abandonedor neglected by their families.
I absolutely salute Mr Morgan for the love, commitment and devotion he has demonstrated. The hardship of taking care of one mentally challenged child is already beyond one's imagination, we are now seeing 70 of them living under one roof...
"He ain't heavy, He is my Brother" this song was playing in my mind all night. Tell me how you feel?

My son said his smiles are better than that of Mona Lisa's
He is one year old but can only take in milk. I think he weighs no more than 7kg.
No trace of his drug addict father and his teenage mother had dumped him to the home after born. Since then never returned.
His chances of survival is pretty much dependent on finding a compatible and willing bone marrow donor when he is fit enough to undergo surgery later on.

son, Villi and the baby

Morgan : What do you want my dear?
Kay Lee : They don't let me play…

Her name is Tee Kay Lee, a Down Syndrome child, came looking for a hug from Morgan

Yey, I've got a book…can someone teach me to read?

Sob…sob…Kamaruddin beat me. Awang took a bus from Kota Bahru and reached Klang one day, police found him and sent him here where he called it home for two years now.

This is Kamaruddin, the "taiko" here with mild retardation

OK, now he had apologised, go read your book…

These bedridden children are Cerebral Palsy and Spastic (tightness in limps), life long dependent.

This child has been crying and banging his head on the floor, at times beating himself with hands. Mentally challenged. At the background you can hear a child calling out mama and papa non-stop.

May I have this one?

Can you understand her?

Morgan : It is not easy to run this place, termites have infested the building and maintaining the vehicles are just one of those challenges to me...
Don't forget this May 1st, join in the
Charity Bazaar 2007 food fair fun and do your bit to help

At the junction you will be greeted by this
This is the landmark at Persiaran Raja Muda, Bomba Port Klang

You won't get lost in Klang

A very long pictorial tour this time, thank you for your time!