Many of us will ask these questions when planning for the first time an Old Folks Home visiting: What can we do there? How to begin my plan?
Frankly, I am an amateur myself in doing this, but I wish to share with you some of my experiences, hoping to help out a little bit here and there. For those veterans out there, it will be most appreciated if you could share with us yours' so that we could learn and improve ourselves along the way.
Well, back to the topic, there are two scenarios when you plan your visit;
1. You are going on your own or with your family
2. You are going on a group basis
Things you can do if you are going on your own:
1. First thing is to check out the total number of inmates.
2. Prepare some cash donations, does not matter if it's big or small amounts. Just give some pocket money to the elderly. (No cash also never mind)
3. Bring some old costume jewellery i.e. bangles, wrist band, watches, necklace, rings etc for the females. You will be surprised that they still like to look pretty at their age.
4. Bring some old belts, sandals, long-sighted glasses to the males.
5. Donate your old clothing or kitchen utensils to the centre.
6. Buy daily essentials e.g.. Adult pampers, Anlene milk powder, disinfectant and more…please refer to the "LIST OF ESSENTIAL ITEMS FOR OLD FOLKS HOME" below.
7. Establish communication with them and listen to their "Golden" stories. They can repeat many times the same topic but you just got to be patient. Respond to what they have to say and share your feelings and observation.
8. Encourage the elderly in good and harmonious daily living.
9. When the atmosphere gets lightened, you can suggest helping to trim their finger or toe nails.
10. Help feed those who are bedridden with water or food (do check with the home caretakers first).
11. Prepare some snacks and bring along a birthday cake to celebrate those born in that month.
12. Invite the elderly to perform some dance or singing session, they will love to show their talents (do remember to applaud and sing your praises, regardless)
13. Say goodbye when some of them feel tired.
Apart from the above, there are additional things that you can do if you are going on a group basis:
1. Gather a group of friends, colleagues or relatives who are keen to participate. Bring the kids along.
2. Decide on the area, the home and the date you wish to visit.
3. Check out the total number of inmates for each home.
4. Set a budget and decide on the items and cash donation your group wish to donate. Any amount of donation is on goodwill basis, try not to pre-determine the contribution amount for the participants as they may have different financial capabilities.
5. Distribute the purchasing to all participants. (Trust me that this is half the fun doing purchasing.)
6. Bring along a hair stylist if possible. (I wish I could be one. Will start by cutting my son's hair…)
7. Meet all participants at the first home.
8. Have the Home's caretaker to brief and introduce to your group the daily operation, activities and background of the home.
9. Greet the old folks and establish communication with them.
10. Offer to cut their hair to those in need. They will need this service almost all the time.
11. Birthday or Festive celebration with simple gifts and cards.
11. Bring suitable snacks, fruits and cakes. Remember most of them would have no molar teeth by now…
12. Singing, music e.g. guitar, harmonica, dancing, stories and plays
13. Sharing of experiences and feelings
14. Take photos with them.
12. Give cash donation to the centre or individual.
13. Clean up the mess before you say good-bye.
Leave those rooms cleaning and shower jobs to volunteers or social workers. You may not be able to get intimate with old folks on the first visit.
To many, their first visit is sometimes uncomfortable and you may even feel a bit awkward at times, needing to be caring and comforting to someone whom you've just met. But don't feel shy doing it as the old folks are more than happy to receive your visit, they actually await you. And the butterflies in you stomach will disappear after doing it a couple more times.
In short, do this with love and compassion ... and you won't go wrong.
Look out for things to prepare when visiting Orphanages in my next blog.
Health and Hygiene
1. Adult pampers Size S,M,L,XL
2. Antiseptic Cream
3. Dettol Multipurpose Detergent
4. Tooth brush and tooth paste
5. Shampoo
6. Shower Gel
7. Shaver and blades
Food Stuff
1. Barley
2. Anlene Milk Powder
3. Red Dates
4. Sugar
5. Rice
6. Cooking Oil
7. Meehoon
8. Ikan Bilis (Anchovies)
9. Sardine or Tuna
10. Jam and butter
11. Eggs
12. Wheat flour
13. Onion / garlic / Potatoes
Household Miscellaneous Items
1. Washing Machine Liquid
2. Soap Powder
3. Mop and brooms
4. Mosquito Spray
5. Floor detergent
6. Rubbish bags
7. Bedsheets / Pillow cases
8. Blankets
9. Towels
Note: The above listing is not exhaustive and you are encouraged to request a wish list from the respective Home Administrators for specific items required.
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
God Said NO!
I asked God to take away my habit. 
God said, No.
It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
God said, No.
His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary.
I asked God to grant me patience.
God said, No.
Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn't granted, it is learned.
I asked God to give me happiness.
God said, No.
I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you.
I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No.
Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.
I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said, No.
You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.
God said, No.

I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.
I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me.
God said...Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.


May God Bless You,
"To the world you might be one person,
But to one person you just might be the world"

God said, No.

It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
God said, No.

His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary.
I asked God to grant me patience.
God said, No.

I asked God to give me happiness.
God said, No.

I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No.

I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said, No.

I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.
God said, No.

I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.
I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me.
God said...Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.


May God Bless You,
"To the world you might be one person,
But to one person you just might be the world"

Monday, 23 April 2007
More about Breast Cancer

A number of studies have suggested that regular exercise, particularly if it is vigorous, offers some modest protection against breast cancer by modulating estrogen. (Exercise may also be helpful for women with early stage breast+cancer by improving physical function and blunting some of the negative effects of treatments, notably fatigue.)
Physical activity contributes to health by reducing the heart rate, decreasing the risk for cardiovascular disease, and reducing the amount of bone loss that is associated with age and osteoporosis. Physical activity also helps the body use calories more efficiently, thereby helping in weight loss and maintenance. It can increase basal metabolic rate, reduces appetite, and helps in the reduction of body fat.
Dietary Factors
Much research has targeted the role of diet in breast cancer, either as a risk factor or as a factor for patients already diagnosed with cancer.
Fats. Although some studies have found an association between high-fat intake and breast cancer, the most recent data suggest that fat from any source (vegetable oils or animal products) plays an insignificant role in increasing the risk for breast cancer. According to some other studies, in fact, monounsaturated fats (found in olive, peanut, and canola oils) may even be protective. Of some note, a 2003 study reported that young girls who modestly lowered their fat intake also changed their balance of estrogen and other sex hormones to one that theoretically could protect them against breast cancer.
Vitamins and Chemicals in Fruits and Vegetables. Many fresh fruits and vegetables contain chemicals that may be cancer fighters. Experts are investigating whether any specific vitamins, nutrients, or teams of them may be specifically valuable. Examples include the following:
• Isothiocyanates stimulate enzymes that convert estrogen to a more benign form and may block steroid hormones that promote breast and prostate cancers. They are found in broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, rutabaga, turnips, and bok choy.
• Polyphenols, found in apples, onions, and green tea, may be beneficial, although this is controversial. (Chemicals in green tea in particular have been studied for cancer-fighting effects in breast cancer.)
• Lycopene, found in tomatoes may have cancer-fighting properties.
• There is some evidence that foods containing folate (folic acid) may be protective. It is found in avocado, bananas, orange juice, asparagus, fruits, green leafy vegetables, dried beans and peas, and yeast. It is also added to commercial grain products.

• Low levels of vitamin D may increase breast cancer risk, especially in older women. Vitamin D is activated by sunlight and obtained from fortified milk.

• Foods high in vitamin C have also been associated with a lower risk (although there is not evidence of protection from any vitamin supplements, including C or E).

A number of studies have now reported a higher risk for breast cancer with alcohol consumption. A well-conducted 2003 analysis of many of these studies suggested that for every daily drink there was a 7.1% increase in breast cancer. By age 80, women who consumed two drinks a day, have a 10% risk for developing breast cancer. The experts in the study suggested that based on these findings about 4% of breast cancer cases in developed nations may be attributed to alcohol. (Women who drink and who take hormone replacement therapy compound this risk.) Some research indicates that alcohol in such amounts increases levels of growth factors that can stimulate breast cancer cells. It should be noted, that light to moderate drinking has benefits for the heart that most likely outweigh the cancer risk in most women who have no other risk factors for breast cancer or alcohol abuse.
There is a lot of scientific proof that smoking is bad for you. It increases your risk of developing lung and bladder cancer and increases your risk for heart disease, among other serious health problems.
Past studies have shown that the breast fluid of smokers contains many of the cancer-causing substances in tobacco smoke. This has led scientists to suspect that smoking tobacco could also increase the risk of breast cancer. So far, studies have suggested that smoking tobacco does indeed increase this risk.
Several studies have reported that breast feeding is associated with a lower risk for cancer in premenopausal women, and two 1999 studies suggest that some protective effect from breast feeding may last beyond menopause. Some studies also indicate that the longer the mother breastfeeds the better. In fact, some experts believe the high rates of breast cancer in developed countries may be partly due to a lack of or shorter duration of breastfeeding.
Lifestyle Factors. Premenopausal women at elevated risk, usually because of family history, should take as many preventive measures as possible, starting at an early age. The following life-style choices may be beneficial (although this is an area subject to change as more information becomes available):
Exercising and eating healthily is the first essential rule.
• High-risk premenopausal women may choose alternatives to oral contraceptives and, if feasible, consider having children early in their life.
• High-risk postmenopausal women may want to forego hormone replacement therapy.
• Any woman at high risk for breast cancer might consider avoiding alcohol or drinking it sparingly.
I have gathered and compiled the above useful information from various sources, specifically The American Institute for Cancer Research and The National Cancer Society Malaysia in the hope of raising public awareness to this increasingly life threatening disease that attacks women mainly and men as well. Please note that the above information is for general knowledge and reference only. Please consult your doctor or consultant should professional views be required.
Sunday, 22 April 2007
Something about Breast Cancer
Being in the high risk group myself, I would like to share the following information on Breast Cancer, particularly its symptoms and methods for breasts self examination.
In the first stages of breast cancer there is usually no pain. When the disease first develops, there may be no symptoms at all. But as the cancer advances some of the following symptoms may become apparent. If these symptoms are observed then the individual should consult her physician who would then carry out tests to find out for sure if the individual does have breast cancer or not.
(a) Change in shape and size of the breast.
(b) Lump or mass present in the armpit.
(c) Presence of a breast mass or breast lump, on examination, which is generally painless, has no regular borders and is firm to hard to the touch.
(d) A nipple discharge which is abnormal in that it is usually green, bloody or clear to yellow fluid or may look like pus.
(e) A change in appearance or any sensation of the nipple, that is, if there is any itching, any enlargement or the nipple is retracted.
(f) Enlargement, pain in the breast, or any discomfort on only one side.
(g) Change in the feel or color of the skin of the nipple, or areola or the breast itself, that is, a redness, veins on breast surface are accentuated, scaly; dimpled or puckered and a retracted appearance.
(h) Some symptoms of an advanced case of the disease are weight loss, bone pain, skin ulceration and swelling of one arm.
Of the above-mentioned symptoms there are some that most women are not aware of that are actually symptoms of breast cancer. They are:
(a) Breast that is warm to the touch: A breast that always feel warm, sometimes hot to the touch is a symptom of inflammatory breast cancer, a dangerous and rare type of the disease.
(b) Flat or inverted nipple: A nipple that is flat or inverted is also a symptom of breast cancer. This does not include having an inverted nipple since birth.
(c) A breast that is often itchy: If you have itchy breasts or nipples, talk to your doctor. These are both symptoms of breast cancer.
(d) The skin around the breast is dimpled or looks like an orange peel: Breast and surrounding skin can take on a dimpled appearance, looking like an orange peel. Many women are too embarrassed to show a doctor, thinking it is cellulite or from being overweight. This is not the case.
(e) Swollen or breast that does not change with menstrual cycle or size increase: It's normal for a woman's breast to become swollen and tender during a normal menstrual cycle, but when it's constant, it needs to be evaluated by a doctor. Women also need to be aware of a sudden breast size increase.
(f) Breast that is red or blotchy: A breast that is red or blotchy, even having a rash-like appearance should be evaluated by a doctor. It is a symptom of inflammatory breast cancer. Inflammatory breast cancer is a type of cancer that is often undetected by a mammogram and self breast exam.
7 Myths About Breast Cancer
Although many advances have been made in breast cancer detection and treatment over the last quarter century, the fact is we still don’t know much about the causes of breast cancer or its cure. This leaves many of us misunderstanding the facts about breast cancer. It’s time we dispel those myths and replace them with what we know is true about breast cancer.
1. Myth: I’m too young to worry about breast cancer.
Fact: While it’s true that your breast cancer risk increases as you get older, the fact is that women of all ages are at risk for developing breast cancer.
2. Myth: There’s never been a case of breast cancer in my family so I don’t need to worry about it happening to me.
Fact: The truth is the majority of women diagnosed with breast cancer don’t have a family history of this devastating cancer. However, if your mother, sister, or grandmother ever had breast cancer your risk is significantly increased.
3. Myth: I don’t have a mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene so I’m sure breast cancer is not in my future.
Fact: Don’t fool yourself! Not having a mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene does not mean you won’t get breast cancer. Actually, the truth is that almost all women (90 to 95 percent) diagnosed with breast cancer have neither a family history nor mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, according to the American Cancer Society.
4. Myth: The majority of women diagnosed with breast cancer had more than one risk factor prior to diagnosis.
Fact: All women are at risk for developing breast cancer whether they have known risk factors. In fact, the majority of breast cancer patients had no known risk factors, other than being female, for this frightening disease.
5. Myth: Breast cancer is preventable.
Fact: Although a drug classified as an antiestrogen called, Tamoxifen may decrease breast cancer risk in certain women; the cause of breast cancer remains unknown and is not completely preventable. The real key to surviving breast cancer is early detection and treatment.
6. Myth: Having yearly mammograms will expose me to too much radiation and cancer will occur as a result.
Fact: According to the American College of Radiology, the benefits of annual mammograms far outweigh any risks that may occur because of the minute amount of radiation used during this screening and diagnostic procedure.
7. Myth: I’m not going to breastfeed because breastfeeding would increase my risk of getting breast cancer.
Fact: Just the opposite is true. Breastfeeding may actually decrease the risk of perimenopausal breast cancer.
How To Do Breast Self Examination (BSE)
Doing a monthly breast self examination (BSE) is vital for every woman. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. 1 out of every 8 women will develop the disease.
Performing a monthly breast self examination may also aid in early detection of breast cancer.
Difficulty: Easy
Time required: 10-15 minutes
Here's How:
1. Lie down and place a pillow under your right shoulder. Next, place your right arm under your head.
2. Using your three middle fingers of your left hand, massage your right breast with the pads of your fingers. Check for any lumps or abnormalities. You can move in a circular motion, or up and down. Make sure you use the same motion every month.
3. Continue the motion, extending to the outside of the breast to your underarm.
4. Repeat on left side.
5. Next, repeat exam standing up, with one arm behind your shoulder as you examine each breast. Standing or sitting up allows you to feel the outside of the breast more accurately.
6. For added precaution, stand in front of a mirror and squeeze each nipple. Look for any discharge.
7. Take note of any dimpling, redness or swelling.
1. You can do a portion of the exam while you are in shower. Incorporating it into a normal activity can make it easier to do, and less of a time constraint. Remember to mark your calendar every month as a reminder.
2. Do the self breast exam every month at the same time. Menstruating women should perform it a few days after their period. Women taking oral contraceptives should do the exam on the first day of starting a new pack of pills.
3. Report any changes to your physician, even if you feel it is minor.
4. You can also choose a friend who will be your BSE (breast self exam) Buddy. She can remind you and vice versa to do the exam monthly.
What You Need:
• A pillow
• A mirror

More about breast cancer on my next blog!
In the first stages of breast cancer there is usually no pain. When the disease first develops, there may be no symptoms at all. But as the cancer advances some of the following symptoms may become apparent. If these symptoms are observed then the individual should consult her physician who would then carry out tests to find out for sure if the individual does have breast cancer or not.
(a) Change in shape and size of the breast.
(b) Lump or mass present in the armpit.
(c) Presence of a breast mass or breast lump, on examination, which is generally painless, has no regular borders and is firm to hard to the touch.
(d) A nipple discharge which is abnormal in that it is usually green, bloody or clear to yellow fluid or may look like pus.
(e) A change in appearance or any sensation of the nipple, that is, if there is any itching, any enlargement or the nipple is retracted.
(f) Enlargement, pain in the breast, or any discomfort on only one side.
(g) Change in the feel or color of the skin of the nipple, or areola or the breast itself, that is, a redness, veins on breast surface are accentuated, scaly; dimpled or puckered and a retracted appearance.
(h) Some symptoms of an advanced case of the disease are weight loss, bone pain, skin ulceration and swelling of one arm.
Of the above-mentioned symptoms there are some that most women are not aware of that are actually symptoms of breast cancer. They are:
(a) Breast that is warm to the touch: A breast that always feel warm, sometimes hot to the touch is a symptom of inflammatory breast cancer, a dangerous and rare type of the disease.
(b) Flat or inverted nipple: A nipple that is flat or inverted is also a symptom of breast cancer. This does not include having an inverted nipple since birth.
(c) A breast that is often itchy: If you have itchy breasts or nipples, talk to your doctor. These are both symptoms of breast cancer.
(d) The skin around the breast is dimpled or looks like an orange peel: Breast and surrounding skin can take on a dimpled appearance, looking like an orange peel. Many women are too embarrassed to show a doctor, thinking it is cellulite or from being overweight. This is not the case.
(e) Swollen or breast that does not change with menstrual cycle or size increase: It's normal for a woman's breast to become swollen and tender during a normal menstrual cycle, but when it's constant, it needs to be evaluated by a doctor. Women also need to be aware of a sudden breast size increase.
(f) Breast that is red or blotchy: A breast that is red or blotchy, even having a rash-like appearance should be evaluated by a doctor. It is a symptom of inflammatory breast cancer. Inflammatory breast cancer is a type of cancer that is often undetected by a mammogram and self breast exam.
7 Myths About Breast Cancer
Although many advances have been made in breast cancer detection and treatment over the last quarter century, the fact is we still don’t know much about the causes of breast cancer or its cure. This leaves many of us misunderstanding the facts about breast cancer. It’s time we dispel those myths and replace them with what we know is true about breast cancer.
1. Myth: I’m too young to worry about breast cancer.
Fact: While it’s true that your breast cancer risk increases as you get older, the fact is that women of all ages are at risk for developing breast cancer.
2. Myth: There’s never been a case of breast cancer in my family so I don’t need to worry about it happening to me.
Fact: The truth is the majority of women diagnosed with breast cancer don’t have a family history of this devastating cancer. However, if your mother, sister, or grandmother ever had breast cancer your risk is significantly increased.
3. Myth: I don’t have a mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene so I’m sure breast cancer is not in my future.
Fact: Don’t fool yourself! Not having a mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene does not mean you won’t get breast cancer. Actually, the truth is that almost all women (90 to 95 percent) diagnosed with breast cancer have neither a family history nor mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, according to the American Cancer Society.
4. Myth: The majority of women diagnosed with breast cancer had more than one risk factor prior to diagnosis.
Fact: All women are at risk for developing breast cancer whether they have known risk factors. In fact, the majority of breast cancer patients had no known risk factors, other than being female, for this frightening disease.
5. Myth: Breast cancer is preventable.
Fact: Although a drug classified as an antiestrogen called, Tamoxifen may decrease breast cancer risk in certain women; the cause of breast cancer remains unknown and is not completely preventable. The real key to surviving breast cancer is early detection and treatment.
6. Myth: Having yearly mammograms will expose me to too much radiation and cancer will occur as a result.
Fact: According to the American College of Radiology, the benefits of annual mammograms far outweigh any risks that may occur because of the minute amount of radiation used during this screening and diagnostic procedure.
7. Myth: I’m not going to breastfeed because breastfeeding would increase my risk of getting breast cancer.
Fact: Just the opposite is true. Breastfeeding may actually decrease the risk of perimenopausal breast cancer.
How To Do Breast Self Examination (BSE)
Doing a monthly breast self examination (BSE) is vital for every woman. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. 1 out of every 8 women will develop the disease.
Performing a monthly breast self examination may also aid in early detection of breast cancer.
Difficulty: Easy
Time required: 10-15 minutes
Here's How:
1. Lie down and place a pillow under your right shoulder. Next, place your right arm under your head.
2. Using your three middle fingers of your left hand, massage your right breast with the pads of your fingers. Check for any lumps or abnormalities. You can move in a circular motion, or up and down. Make sure you use the same motion every month.
3. Continue the motion, extending to the outside of the breast to your underarm.
4. Repeat on left side.
5. Next, repeat exam standing up, with one arm behind your shoulder as you examine each breast. Standing or sitting up allows you to feel the outside of the breast more accurately.
6. For added precaution, stand in front of a mirror and squeeze each nipple. Look for any discharge.
7. Take note of any dimpling, redness or swelling.
1. You can do a portion of the exam while you are in shower. Incorporating it into a normal activity can make it easier to do, and less of a time constraint. Remember to mark your calendar every month as a reminder.
2. Do the self breast exam every month at the same time. Menstruating women should perform it a few days after their period. Women taking oral contraceptives should do the exam on the first day of starting a new pack of pills.
3. Report any changes to your physician, even if you feel it is minor.
4. You can also choose a friend who will be your BSE (breast self exam) Buddy. She can remind you and vice versa to do the exam monthly.
What You Need:
• A pillow
• A mirror

More about breast cancer on my next blog!
Thursday, 19 April 2007
A joyful afternoon with grandmas and grandpas
I took a drive to Kajang Caring Old Folks Home on Tuesday and visited those grandmas and grandpas whom we met last December.
On a quiet weekday afternoon, everybody was just lazing around and chit chatting with one another. After a while, one uncle was so "in the mood" that he suddenly got up and asked one of the female mates to dance with him. Apparently, he was one of those dancers at the "BB Park" (A very famous amusement centre near Bukit Bintang Plaza/ Sungei Wang Plaza during the 1950s to 1960s) in his younger days.

We were all thrilled by the way they waltz around the porch as if it is a ballroom. The rest of the 'audience' were simply enjoying themselves by clapping hands and cheering them on.
I noticed that when there were fewer visitors at the home, I have a better chance of seeing the 'real' day to day behaviours of these old folks living with one another under one roof. Other than the elderlies, Caring Old Folks Home also houses the underprivileged with Parkinson Disease, Down Syndrome and Mild Mental Retardation.

I saw a few of the old men with mild mental retardation sitting on the sofa. Two of them particularly caught my attention as they did not let go of each other's hands through-out our conversations. They looked so 'loving' and for a moment, this awkward word came into my mind - are they mmmm (g..?). Soon, Wendy showed me to their "joint" beds; It was unlike other males who have their individual beds. It seemed that the shorter guy needed the taller one to protect him at night. To my total surprise, they jumped onto the bed and hugged each other right away. This is how they sleep every night, I was told.

I was truly amazed by Wendy's understanding towards the people under her care. She said to me, "Why fight with them? Can they understand the rules? Can they follow your dos and don'ts instructions? Moreover, we don't know how long these people will live, why don't we just focus on taking care of their needs and make them happy?"
I salute Wendy and her team. It is about trying to understand their world (although it is hard, I'm sure) and acknowledging their needs. Running a home for the needy is not only about providing them a shelter and food, it is definitely more than that; It is about "LOVE".
Wendy also took in a little young boy by the name of "Ah Boy". Since the day he was born, Ah Boy was rejected by his parents when they discovered he was an Autistic child with "cleft lip". With much counselling from Wendy, Ah Boy's mother had finally accepted him and took him to the doctor. Then came another blow, Ah Boy was diagnosed with 6 holes in his heart! All hell broke loose! Ah Boy's mother broke down and gave up hope. Finally, with the help of the generous public through Newspaper, Wendy managed to raise RM40,000 for the heart and lips surgery. Today what we see is a bubbly little boy who is like any other normal child…

On my way to my car, a lovely "cute" grandma came to bid me goodbye and sang to me her favourite song, see her in action:
On a quiet weekday afternoon, everybody was just lazing around and chit chatting with one another. After a while, one uncle was so "in the mood" that he suddenly got up and asked one of the female mates to dance with him. Apparently, he was one of those dancers at the "BB Park" (A very famous amusement centre near Bukit Bintang Plaza/ Sungei Wang Plaza during the 1950s to 1960s) in his younger days.
We were all thrilled by the way they waltz around the porch as if it is a ballroom. The rest of the 'audience' were simply enjoying themselves by clapping hands and cheering them on.
I noticed that when there were fewer visitors at the home, I have a better chance of seeing the 'real' day to day behaviours of these old folks living with one another under one roof. Other than the elderlies, Caring Old Folks Home also houses the underprivileged with Parkinson Disease, Down Syndrome and Mild Mental Retardation.
I saw a few of the old men with mild mental retardation sitting on the sofa. Two of them particularly caught my attention as they did not let go of each other's hands through-out our conversations. They looked so 'loving' and for a moment, this awkward word came into my mind - are they mmmm (g..?). Soon, Wendy showed me to their "joint" beds; It was unlike other males who have their individual beds. It seemed that the shorter guy needed the taller one to protect him at night. To my total surprise, they jumped onto the bed and hugged each other right away. This is how they sleep every night, I was told.
I was truly amazed by Wendy's understanding towards the people under her care. She said to me, "Why fight with them? Can they understand the rules? Can they follow your dos and don'ts instructions? Moreover, we don't know how long these people will live, why don't we just focus on taking care of their needs and make them happy?"
I salute Wendy and her team. It is about trying to understand their world (although it is hard, I'm sure) and acknowledging their needs. Running a home for the needy is not only about providing them a shelter and food, it is definitely more than that; It is about "LOVE".
Wendy also took in a little young boy by the name of "Ah Boy". Since the day he was born, Ah Boy was rejected by his parents when they discovered he was an Autistic child with "cleft lip". With much counselling from Wendy, Ah Boy's mother had finally accepted him and took him to the doctor. Then came another blow, Ah Boy was diagnosed with 6 holes in his heart! All hell broke loose! Ah Boy's mother broke down and gave up hope. Finally, with the help of the generous public through Newspaper, Wendy managed to raise RM40,000 for the heart and lips surgery. Today what we see is a bubbly little boy who is like any other normal child…
On my way to my car, a lovely "cute" grandma came to bid me goodbye and sang to me her favourite song, see her in action:
Sunday, 15 April 2007
Mom and Sis, I miss you both so dearly
The Chinese Ching Ming Festival (清明節) (All Souls Day)has passed for more than a week ago already. Ever since my mom and sister passed away, I will naturally dream of them whenever this day draws near, as though it's like a reminder to me and my brothers to visit their memorial places and pay our respects.
But this year was special. Due to unavoidable personal reasons, I would not be accompanying my brothers to pray for both of them. And this perhaps made me miss them even more ...
I know that to remember them in my blog has got nothing to do with helping the poor, the aged, the orphans and the underpriviledged, but I just can't help myself. Can you bear with me?
I had mentioned my mom in my earlier blog; That how her impaired hearing caused by an accident had inspired me to help the needy. But I did not talk about how she suffered from the deathliest fights with the most sickening killer in the world.
This ghostly "CA" ~ Liver Cancer disease has won the battle in just 3 months from the day we discovered that she was not well. She passed away in a fairly "young age" of 59. A year before we planned to celebrate her 60th birthday, a year before we planned to send her to visit the Great Wall of China, a year before we moved to a new house in Subang Jaya...a lot of things we wish we could do a year later...Does this sound punishing to all of us who did not appreciate the present? Why wait for things to happen and regret for the rest of your life?
My sweet sister succumed to yet another battle with breast cancer at a very young age of 32. That was almost 9 years ago and I can still recall every moment of the days before she departed. Her long fight with the illness had made all of us brothers and sisters treasured every breath we take. I miss her lovely smiles and her forever soft tone of voices. She used to be the only pair of ears who listened to my grouses and I used to be her bedside companion to listen to her faith in her God. Her heroic experience of combating the effects of cancer treatments with such confidence, perserverance and to a certain extend, grace, was all full of courage which has earned the utmost respects from people around her, family and friends alike.
I have lost two people that are closest to my heart due to CANCER. I vow to continue bringing up more Cancer Related issues to remind those who lacked awareness in doing medical check up to detect symptoms and signs that are developing in our bodies.
Saturday, 14 April 2007

This incident happened in Pandan Indah, KL. Where my old office was located. The place was extremely congested especially during lunch hours. I would not drive out for lunch as parking bays were scarce.
This lady went to the Hong Leong Bank in one afternoon and had purportedly parked her car into a bay reserved for the "Handicapped". It seems that it was the only space available. Knowing very well that she should not do what she had done, she approached two Enforcement Officers standing nearby if she could just leave the car there for a couple of minutes. The Officers did not say anything and she proceeded to purchase the parking tickets.
To her dismay, one of her car's tyres was clamped after returning from the bank in just less than 5 minutes.
She had to pay RM50 to the MPAJ Town Council for the fine and got the clamped wheel unlocked.
She raised this issue to a local newspaper's hotline as she felt that the Enforcement Officers were not being fair to her by given her consent and yet clamped her car while she walked away.
Is anyone taking her side?
Thursday, 12 April 2007
I came accross this real life story from the internet and wish to share it with all of you:
After a conversation with one of my friends, he told me despite taking 2 jobs, he brings back barely above 1K per month, he is happy as he is.
I wonder how he can be as happy as he is considering he has to skimp his life with the low pay to support a pair of old parents, in-laws, a wife, 2 daughters and the many bills of a household.
He explained that it was through one incident that he saw in India... that happened a few years ago when he was really feeling low and touring India after a major setback.
He said that right in front of his very eyes, he saw an Indian mother chopped off her child's right hand with a chopper. The helplessness in the mother's eyes, the scream of pain from the innocent 4-year-old child haunted him until today.
You may ask why did the mother do so; had the child been naughty, had the child's hand been infected? No, it was done for two simple words - - - TO BEG!

The desperate mother deliberately caused the child to be handicapped so that the child could go out to the streets to beg. Taken aback by the scene, he dropped a piece of bread he was eating half-way. And almost instantly, a flock of 5 or 6 children swamped towards this small piece of bread which was covered with sand, robbing bits from one another. The natural reaction of hunger.
Stricken by the happenings, he instructed his guide to drive him to the nearest bakery. He arrived at two bakeries and bought every single loaf of bread he found in the bakeries. The owner was dumbfounded but willingly sold everything. He spent less than $100 to obtain about 400 loaves of bread (this is less than $0.25 per loaf) and spent another $100 to get
daily necessities.
Off he went in the truck full of bread into the streets. As he distributed the bread and necessities to the children (mostly handicapped) and a few adults, he received cheers and bows from these unfortunate. For the first time in his life he wondered how people can give up their dignity for a loaf of bread which cost less than $0.25.

He began to tell himself how fortunate he is. How fortunate he is to be able to have a complete body, have a job, have a family, have the chance to complain what food is nice and what isn't nice, have the chance to be clothed, have the many things that these people in front of him are deprived of...
Now I begin to think and feel it, too! Was my life really that bad?
Perhaps... no, I should not feel bad at all... What about you? Maybe the next time you think you are, think about the child who lost one hand to beg on the streets.
"Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, it is the realization of how much you already have."
When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.
It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.
The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.
After a conversation with one of my friends, he told me despite taking 2 jobs, he brings back barely above 1K per month, he is happy as he is.
I wonder how he can be as happy as he is considering he has to skimp his life with the low pay to support a pair of old parents, in-laws, a wife, 2 daughters and the many bills of a household.
He explained that it was through one incident that he saw in India... that happened a few years ago when he was really feeling low and touring India after a major setback.
He said that right in front of his very eyes, he saw an Indian mother chopped off her child's right hand with a chopper. The helplessness in the mother's eyes, the scream of pain from the innocent 4-year-old child haunted him until today.
You may ask why did the mother do so; had the child been naughty, had the child's hand been infected? No, it was done for two simple words - - - TO BEG!
The desperate mother deliberately caused the child to be handicapped so that the child could go out to the streets to beg. Taken aback by the scene, he dropped a piece of bread he was eating half-way. And almost instantly, a flock of 5 or 6 children swamped towards this small piece of bread which was covered with sand, robbing bits from one another. The natural reaction of hunger.
Stricken by the happenings, he instructed his guide to drive him to the nearest bakery. He arrived at two bakeries and bought every single loaf of bread he found in the bakeries. The owner was dumbfounded but willingly sold everything. He spent less than $100 to obtain about 400 loaves of bread (this is less than $0.25 per loaf) and spent another $100 to get
daily necessities.
Off he went in the truck full of bread into the streets. As he distributed the bread and necessities to the children (mostly handicapped) and a few adults, he received cheers and bows from these unfortunate. For the first time in his life he wondered how people can give up their dignity for a loaf of bread which cost less than $0.25.
He began to tell himself how fortunate he is. How fortunate he is to be able to have a complete body, have a job, have a family, have the chance to complain what food is nice and what isn't nice, have the chance to be clothed, have the many things that these people in front of him are deprived of...
Now I begin to think and feel it, too! Was my life really that bad?
Perhaps... no, I should not feel bad at all... What about you? Maybe the next time you think you are, think about the child who lost one hand to beg on the streets.
"Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, it is the realization of how much you already have."
When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.
It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.
The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

Tuesday, 10 April 2007
50th Merdeka Celebration Blood Donation Campaign

There is a Blood Donation Campaign to be held at Subang Parade, Subang Jaya with details as follows:
Date :21 & 22 April 2007
Time : 10am to 5pm
Venue : Subang Parade, Subang Jaya
For those who are staying around the area, please do participate and enjoy a host of benefits and program lined up by the Organiser, Holos Community Centre with the help of the National Blood Bank, the National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia and the National Transplant Resource Centre.
In conjunction with this Blood Donation Campaign, an exhibition will be set up by the National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia. Also, the National Transplant resource Centre will be conducting an Organ Donation Pledge exercise.
There will be a FREE Health Screening for the general public that includes checking of Cataract, Glaucoma, Bone Mass Density, Live Blood Analysis, Body Fat Analysis and Skin Analysis. For a mere RM8.00, one can undergo an additional 3 tests, that is Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar and Cholesterol.
A goody bag will be given away to the first 500 blood donors.
Do some good deeds while shopping with your family. Think of those lying in the hospitals waiting for your help.
Here are some great quotes to share with you:
Don't think of organ donations as giving up part of yourself to keep a total stranger alive. It's really a total stranger giving up almost all of themselves to keep part of you alive. ~Author Unknown
Don't take your organs to heaven with you. Heaven knows we need them here. ~Author unknown, attributed to both Dan and Barbara Hladio and Thomas Boyadjis, Sr.
Be a blood and organ donor. All it costs is a little love. ~Author Unknown
From the bitterness of disease man learns the sweetness of health. ~Catalan Proverb
You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. ~Kahlil Gibran

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