Thursday 31 January 2008

Her little shadows

When people ask me why I gave up my business and be a stay home mother?
The reason is very obvious. With two grown up teenagers, Vivian and Villi, I have another sunshine at home that made me willingly gave up the world...

Valerie at two and a half years old now

This lovely poem below reflects all motherly love for their children which I want to share it with you.


I saw a young mother
With eyes full of laughter
And two little shadows
Came following after.

Wherever she moved,
They were always right there
Holding onto her skirts,
Hanging onto her chair.
Before her, behind her-
An adhesive pair.

"Don't you ever get weary
As, day after day,
Your two little tagalongs
Get in your way?

She smiled as she shook
Her pretty young head,
And I'll always remember
The words that she said

"It's good to have shadows
That run when you run,
That laugh when you're happy
And hum when you hum -
For you only have shadows

When your life's filled with sun."

Author Unknown


Sustenance Scout said...

So glad I happened your way today. Your sweet girl is beautiful! Best wishes always from Denver, Karen.

Swiss Palma said...

Thank you Denver and Karen, do drop by again. Cheers!

Jianzhou said...

Your little girl is so sweet-looking.

Happy chinese new year. Hope you have a wonderful time.