Mr Morgan was in hand to receive us with his trademark grins. Circled by his lovely young "children" as usual, Mr Morgan was filling us in on the home's latest happenings and at the same time busy instructing the older kids to help transfer the pastries that we brought for their afternoon tea.
Ah Hong, our favorite child, is 5 years old now and has grown up so much that he hopped around just like any other kiddos. His heart condition has healed so far. Only scheduled checkups are required in IJN (Institute Jantung Negara). His bone cancer is, touch wood, status-quo (no deterioration).
While most of the other children were dressed up waiting to go out to attend a charity luncheon, they did not want to miss the chance of posing for the camera. Thru the lens, we saw them in good hands, we saw faith thru these innocent eyes. We know Mr Morgan has been a dedicated and loving caretaker that these children can ask for, and the most befitting "papa" for them. But, deep down, he has some fair share of problems that hopefully kind readers like you can help.
We have decided to come back again, after Chinese New Year, hoping to help solve some of them.
This is their wishlist:
1. Small Refrigerators (1 to 2 nos.)
2. A DVD Player
3. To replace broken clothing cabinets
4. A Water Filter for the kitchen
5. Bedsheets for baby cribs and single beds
6. Body lotion, Vaseline, Vicks
7. Used clothings for children aged between 5 to 12 years old
8. To replace a broken stainless steel long dining table
9. Volunteers (Chinese preferred for easier communication cause most the children speaks Chinese)
We plan to visit them in March, 2011. Anyone keen to lend a helping hand?
Please leave me your message via email:
Thank you in advance for your kind generosity.
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