Sunday 18 May 2008


Buddhists will be celebrating Wesak Day tomorrow। Many will throng the temples starting from 11pm tonight।

For those who are unable go to the temple, there are some meaningful ways to commemorate Wesak Day i.e. giving donations to the victims of:

1. Myanmar Cyclone Victims

2. China Sichuan Province Earthquake Victims

On this Wesak Day, let us remember the teachings of Buddha, as one rhyme goes:

`Some have too much and yet do crave
I have little and seek no more;
They are but poor though much more they have
And I am rich with little store.

They poor, I rich, they beg, I give;
They lack, I have; they pine, I live.'

I am not rich, but I am contented.

To all the people who are suffering the greatest, I pray for them to have strength to live on and leading towards a brighter day tomorrow.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey mi,
Happy wesak day!