Friday, 29 June 2007
I couldn't help but to ask the cashier why wasn't the guard do something about it? Do you know what answer was given? "Nanti pulak kita kena marah", this was what she replied. I paused and couldn't believe my ears. Who on earth would blame a Uniformed Personnel who is giving assistance to a helpless child? And isn't this the security guard's duty to swing into action immediately upon sensing something not right in a shopping mall or a hypermart? The least he could do was to calm him down and take him to the office for further assistance.
My children were quick enough to realise that they spotted this child with his mum earlier at one of the sections and only remembered seeing the mother donning a pair of pink colour slippers. Without delay, they quickly ran after the boy. At about 200 meters out to the shops area, the woman with "that" pair of pink colour slippers was calling out the boy's name. Upon seeing the boy, she broke down. Sigh...what a relief! We can't imagine what will happen had the boy ran to the opposite direction?
These days there are just too many incidences like this that are happening in our country. The most prominent case was the Malay boy by the name of Yin who was reported missing in the Sogo Shopping Mall while with his father. He was found two weeks later. I dreaded to picture the agony the parents had gone through. As such, it prompted me to find out more useful tips and information to help create awareness on handling missing child in a shopping mall.
In the event if a child is missing in a mall, act immediately-
1. Search the entire place, including checking the piles of clothings, behind all furnitures, under the boxes, inside large appliances, fitting rooms, food areas - anywhere a child may hide.
2. See the Security Chief Officer and request for a complete shut down of the mall and mobilise all personnel for a thorough scrutiny of the place.
3. Alarm the police if all attempts proved futile.
4. When filling the report, ensure a full descriptions of the child by providing the child's name, date of birth, height, weight and unique identifiers such as the colour of the clothings the child was wearing before missing, moles on faces or limbs, with or without glasses or braces, chain or pendant on the child.
5. Send out smses and emails to as many contacts as possible to spread the news.
6. Print out posters with the photo of the child and send out to the public.
7. Go to the press if all avenues exhausted.
In my personal opinion, parents with toddlers or young children should be more alert when going out shopping with these little adventurers, especially to those hyperactive ones. Minding children is never an easy job. But if we had decided to have children, we are duty bound to care for them to avoid unfortunate incidents befall on them. Having a tag with contact details kept inside the children's pocket whenever you go can be more than handy in time of emergency.
Resources - National center for missing and exploited children
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Happy Bday =D
Happy Birthday Mama. =DD
Its been, lemme count, ... erm..*calculator*
16, rite?
wait, 2007-1991 = 16, oh wait, YEAP.
sudah 16 tahun Ibuk menjaga anakmu.
tanpa berbelah kasih,
mungkin terlalu pantas masa berlalu,
Ibuk masih memanggil saya "Baby",
Tidaklah rasa "geli" pun,
gembira mahupun sedih Ibuk masih berada di sana,
kata-kata ku masih tidak mencukupi menggambarkan pengalaman yang dilalui bersama.
tertanya kenapa bercakap dalam Melayu?
Entahlah, =DD
Hari Lahir disambut bersama-sama pada hari yang sama.
Mungkin, Ibuk adalah hadiah kepada saya setiap tahun,
Itupun sudah mencukupi.
Terima Kasih Ibuk.
Villi Geow 26/6/07
and, my reply is:
A Mother's Mixed Emotions
How does a Mother let go
Of the children that she's borne
How does she let them know
That her heart can be so torn.
To keep them by her side
Would not be just or fair
And let them have a free ride
Would mean she doesn't care.
She knows she taught them well
And that they know right from wrong
Now...only time will tell
If they can be as strong.
But watching them go through the door
Makes her feelings sway
She must cover the tears...and more
And pray for them each day.
(c) Melissa Simpson All Rights Reserved

Sunday, 24 June 2007
Who Can Donate Blood?
In general, you ARE ELIGIBLE to donate blood if you:
(a) are between 17 and 75 years old
(b) weigh a minimum of 110 pounds (50kg)
(c) have not had a tattoo or body piercing within the past 12 months
(d) are not pregnant or nursing
(e) have not had major dental work within the past 3 days
(f) have not traveled to an area with known malaria risk in the past year
(g) have not spent time that adds up to 3 or more months in the United Kingdom between 1980-1996; or spent time that adds up to 5 or more years in Europe from 1980 to the present
(h) have not had hepatitis after the age of 10
(i) have not donated blood for the past 2 months
(j) have not participated in high-risk behaviors
(k) are in good health. If you are taking medication, you may be able to donate depending on the reason for and the type of medication. Persons taking most medications are able to donate blood.
Medications that DO NOT prevent you from donating are:
> High Blood Pressure Medications
> Insulin (by mouth or injection)
> Allergy Medications
> Asthma Medications
> Anti-depressants
> Aspirin
> Cholesterol Lowering Medications
> Seizure Medications
> Diet Pills
(Note: Please reconfirm the above with the medical personnel in attendance during your blood donation)
How do I prepare for the donation?
Eat your regular meals, have a good night sleep and drink lots of water, the water helps to replace the small amount of fluid that you lose when you donate blood. You do not need to fast and should not donate blood on an empty stomach. Bring along your personal identification, a list of any medications you take, and your reading glasses.
Is donating blood safe?
Completely! Sterile, single use and disposable equipment is used for each donation and then safely discarded.
Information compiled from Winter Haven Hospital & Maimonides Medical Centers' URL.
SJAM National Flag Day Launch

The event was launched by the MP of Kelana Jaya,YB.Loh Seng Kok. When we reached the place, the VIP has just finished his opening speech and was observing the First Aid and CPR demonstration accompanied by the St.John Commander-in-chief, Yg Bhg Dato' Dr.Low Bin Tick.
The St.John team has put up a very good demo and the people performing it were really enthusiastic.
After a brief medical check-up by the on-site doctor, my husband and I sat down for the blood donation.
Friday, 22 June 2007
Midnight Puppet - The Musical

Midnight Puppet The Musical is presented by The Littlenoise Choir. The show is organised by Persatuan Kebajikan dan Kebudayaan Sinyee, Kuala Lumpur
Proceeds of the shows will go to the following benifitial parties:
1.) Rumah Charis
2.) Pusat Kanak-kanak

3.) The Littlenoise Choir
There are two performances:
12 August 2007 - Sunday 7.30pm
13 August 2007 - Monday 7.30pm
- Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur,Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur
Normal ticket priced = RM50.00, RM100
VIP = RM200, RM500
VVIP = RM1000
To purchase tickets, please contact:
03-42942863 / 03-21423048 (Ms May) / 03-80607637 (Shirley)
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Berapa berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu yang memikul
Contributing an affordable sum of money, no matter how much for donation and spending a little time with those in need of love and affection will neither shorten one's life nor make one any poorer. In fact, it will enrich one's soul and inspiration.
Do you know that most of the homes in Malaysia do not receive sufficient funds from the Government to defray their day to day operational expenses? From paying medical to utility bills, transportation fuel charges to daily groceries and food purchases, most of the home expenses are supported largely by donation from kind hearted Samaritans.
In true spirit, I salute the founders and caretakers of these homes who devote their own time and money to set up these shelters

For that reason, ordinary people like us are encouraged to do our part, by sparing some time to visit those who eagerly await visitors and give some donation whether in cash or in kind to help ease off some of the homes' burdens. As the saying in Bahasa Malaysia goes: "Sikit-sikit, lama-lama menjadi bukit". In direct translation means: "Adding little by little and in time it will accumulate to become a mountain"
Similar to Mother Teresa's quote ~ "We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop".
I believe by lending a hand to help, a ear to listen and moment to share, it will not only help us to a achieve a more balanced life but also strengthen our mind, body and soul.
Please visit Taman Megah's Handicapped and Disabled
Children's Home, a place that changed my perspective of life.
Cantact: Mr Baskin, Home Administrator No. 2, Jalan SS24/10, Taman Megah, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel No: 603- 78061143 Fax No: 603-78051484 E-mail: Website:
All donations are tax exempt (Ref: LHDN.01/35/42.51/179-6.4935) and they can be made payable to "PUSAT PENJAGAAN KANAK-KANAK CACAT TAMAN MEGAH" and you can either (a) send the donation the above address or (b) to bank-in your donation directly to the home's RHB BANK BHD Account No.: 26220500000121
Monday, 18 June 2007
Sadness overwhelmed me when I saw lying on the floors were the children suffered from severe Cerebral+Palsy
, a multiple sickness that causes limbs to shrink, motoring disorder tasks such as trouble with walking and uncontrollable writing motion of hands or drooling. Most of them are suffering
from brain damage and with impaired vision or hearing.
While I sat down listening attentively to Mr Baskin's explanation on each child's condition, suddenly I felt one hand slipped inside my tummy and was groping around for some kind of touch. When I turned around and saw this boy lying in a fetal position with his eyes shut behind me, he held my fingers and wouldn't want to let go. He was yearning for a tender touch, he could not see, he could only feel his surroundings. Tears gathered in my eyes and my heart melted. Who is there to give him a hug? Who says that these little human here have no feelings?
According to Mr Baskin, most of the parents would not return to see these unfortunate children after leaving them behind at the centre. Some of them even have the heart to instruct the centre to just "burn them" if they die. I ask God, what have become of this society? Where are these parents' conscious? Can they sleep well at night? Aren't these children their own flesh and blood too? What sins have these children committed last life that have brought them to this world with such harsh punishments?
According per Mr Baskin, these children may not live long. In fact, most of them could barely make it through to their late teens. In this short journey of life that is full of sufferings, I pray to God, please relieve them from pain, relieve them from missing their parents, relieve them from loneliness, and relieve them from the desire of walking. Grant them peace in their hearts, shower them with love from kind people that visit them, bless the home with sufficient funds to continue this noble task of caring for them.
What more can we do to help?
Take a deep breath,
and pray for them...
No words can describe my feelings now, I will be back...
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
We realised that he was getting tired very easily these days and had both puffy eyes that looked like the pandas. Suspecting of some kind of unwell, he tried many times running up the stairs trying to buy some comfort that he is physically OK. Until of late, his company's medical benefits sent him for a full medical check-up which brought him this latest news to the family.
Well, he is not that ill as a matter of fact, he is still active and hopping about. He was only being diagnosed with 3 artilleries blocked in his heart. (Yes! We only have 3 artilleries and all THREE of his are blocked!) and he stands a 50% chance of getting a heart attack anytime.
We have concluded that the main reason for this "pre-mature" disease came knocking at his door was his bad diet habits. A very carnivore human in nature, his diet cannot live without "pork". Chunks of "bak kut teh " (pork leg cooked in herbal soup, famous in Klang town, not far away from where he lives.) used to be his favourite food. With cholesterol reading at 7.5 without medication, one is not surprised a heart attack can happen anytime to him.
Now that he is on a month long medication while awaiting to perform the Angiogram, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some of the basic tips on the daily healthy eating plans in exchange for a healthier life and at the same time lowering the risks of heart related diseases and strokes.
> Choose food that are low in fat; saturated fats ~ use olive oil or canola oil for cooking
> Eat more grain products ~ use brown rice instead of white rice
> Eat high fibre vegetables ~ serve at least two types of vegetable during each meal
> Eat beans, lentils, peas and tofu ~ make multi beans soup
> Choose fish over poultry
> Eat more fruits
> Eat plenty of oats, barley and cereals
> Less sugar in drinks and food
> Moderate salt intake ~ use herbs and spices to flavour food
> Bacon, sausages, Chinese sausages, luncheon meats, frankfurters, canned meats
> Caviar, oyster, squids, shrimps
> Duck meat
> Roasted pork
> BBQ meats
> Chicken skin
> Butter or margarine
The keyword to the principle healthy diet is "MODERATION". Remember there is no good or bad food, only bad eating habits. All food can fit into your eating plan, just don't over indulge.
Not forgetting, I have been receiving this diet and fitness tips in my mail box daily which was very beneficial and I would like you to have it too.
Heart With Muscle Damage and a Blocked Artery

Detailed information on Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) can be found in this site.
Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Come, let's support AWAM'S WALK AND WHEEL: Uniting for safe spaces.
As a fundraiser for this year, AWAM is holding a large public event on 30 June 2007, called the Walk & Wheel. It will create awareness and brings to the forefront the need for a safe environment among young people, the disabled and the larger public.
The objectives:
- To create awareness and forefront the need for safe environments among young people and the larger public
- To encourage pro-activism and empowerment among young people
- To celebrate and promote community spirit
- To build the capacity of young persons to work towards change
- To generate funds to sustain AWAM's community programmes
Date and Time of Event:
- Saturday, 30 June 2007 , 4pm till 10pm
- Dataran Merdeka Kuala Lumpur
AWAM welcomes Corporate Sponsorship to the above event. Details are here
Saturday, 9 June 2007
We just touched down this morning from Gold Coast, Australia. It was a family holiday that was planned two months ago with so much preparations but sad to say it's one holiday that went awry.
What had sent us all to hell was that my little 2 year old darling girl who fell sick on the day before the departure! The "Nightmare" that I dreaded most! As the weather in Brisbane is turning cold in June, we have tried so hard to condition her since two months ago to prevent this from happening (no swimming, no junk food, lesser trips to shopping centres etc).
To make matters worse, due to the travelling logistics, it will take us almost 12 hours to arrive at Brisbane from KL at about 11.00pm and then follow by another 1.5 hours' car ride to Gold Coast, which means that we could only be expected to check-in to our hotel at 12.30am the earliest! Can anyone imagine having a child's temperature risen to 40.1 celcius at the airport on arrival in the cold winter night?
Upon arrival at the Brisbane Airport and when we put her into her car seat, she was motionless and when I put her head up right, her eye balls simply just rolled up! That was such a scary moment!. We insisted that the lady driver pulled over to the road shoulders and I started immediately to administer the double dosage of medicine by inserting the suppository paracetamol to her and also oral ibuprofen. After a good sweat, her temperature had subsequently gone down to about 38c.
That was not all, our horrible in-flight experience was the most torturing part. Given the first row of seats does not make things better. I was almost on my feet facing the wall carrying my sickly darling for 5 hours in the whole 7 hours flight from KL to Sydney! Can you picture a wailing child crying on top of her lungs and not letting me sit down and only wanting me to cradle her? On top of that, a man behind us "shoooo" us for the noice that she made. That left us no where to turn to. One of the stewardesses was kind enough to only allow us one time using of their seats for feeding her medicine, she then quickly drew the curtain and put up the sign -"for business class only" to the area we thought could be more condusive. The last resort, we fed her water and medicines in the tight aircraft lavatory, literally!
Her condition did not improve in the night at the hotel with her temperature rising up to 39.8 celcius, we had no choice but to call in the doctor to our room at 5am. Without a clue where the hospital is, we were even mentally preparing ourselves to admit her to the hospital the moment the Doctor advises us to do so. Thank God, after examination, the kind Phillipino Doctor re-assured us that everything will be fine and she should recover in a couple of days with the medications that we brought along. Boy, that was the most comforting words to hear!(No hospital, no drips, what a relief!) And, you can conclude from here that the holidays is about medicine and rest, yes, plenty of rests.
What disappointed me and my husband most from this episode here was that, this entire ordeal was simply "undue" and is completely avoidable!
It started a week ago with my little darling's granny, who was having a bad sore throat and had all the signs of a bad flu coming, which we didn't know and she did not warn us of. She continued to cuddle her most nights when we returned home. She only sent out signals of her flu 2 days prior to our departure and on the morning before we left for work, she said that she was not giving a goodbye kiss to the baby as her throat was bad, and she reminded us to prepare medicine before leaving for Australia. My heart almost dropped upon hearing this and ever since then, I was so worried and kept praying that for "the worst thing" won't happen. Until she threw up in the afternoon of the day before our departure for no apparent reason, and the body temparature read 38.3 celcius, all hell broke loose!
After a round of helter-skelter to the pediatrician and the Doctor giving us the all clear for baby to travel (with accompanying medications and antibiotics of course), we took on the roller coaster journey...
MY DARLING VALERIE AFTER THE TRIP, The result of No solid food for a week!