Just days before my planned charity project to visit the Handicapped and Disabled Children Centres in Klang and Taman Megah with friends and relatives, I fell down the stairs by the roadside just outside my apartment block together with my little girl. This happened yesterday morning and left me with a sprained left ankle and some bruises on my elbows and knees. Though the injuries are not serious, but they are painful enough to ground me for a day or two.
This is a crucial time to make preparation of the visits; Loads of things to buy and errants to run, and now I am a 'handicapped' myself sitting on a typist chair rolling all over the place at home with a swollen ankle and bruised leg. Who else can I count on to take over the tasks? I guess you will know by now...
The only people I feel sorry are the kids at those homes whom I've promised to play games with. Looks like I have got to make some adjustments to the program. No more musical chairs and frenzy apple eating games. Auntie will make some doggies and sword balloon sculptures to compensate with that, guess all of you will like to have one, right?
So, see you guys this Sunday, 22 July 2007. I should be able to walk by then.
Kudos to Jenny & Tai who took their busy schedule off to organize this charity work and it is a pity that Jenny hurt herself, we believe you will recover fast with our blessing..
YongHoung, Veon and Hong
Disabled helping Disabled in America www.squidoo.com/DhD
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